The next installment. My second solo exhibition for this year opens in two weeks at the Workshop in the city. Beautiful, raw and tactile drawings of humans and the spaces between them.
All work is new and has been created with the layout of the space in mind. I have been playing with the idea of creating a sanctuary within the city landscape. The Workshop is a bar that overlooks city streets and is filled with a masses of green indoor plants so it is a really interesting space for my work.
Exhibition will feature life-sized silhouette drawings, a grid of self portraits and other secrets. Come and explore.
SANCTUARY opens Tuesday 28 November 7-9pm.
featuring a super special performance by Kaka Bulan (the wonderful Supina and Bea) playing music as silhouettes. And if they are in season, platters of white peaches.
Show runs until December 17.
The Workshop. 413 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.(upstairs, enter via A'Beckett Street)http://www.theworkshop.com.au/
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